2016 3rd Place Scholarship Winner

October 27, 2016

Congratulations Lori Swilley!! If you would like to read her essay, you may click on the link below. lori-swilley-essay

2016 TMS Annual Scholarship Golf Event

October 27, 2016

TMS held our 12th annual Scholarship Golf Event on Friday September 9th 2016. This event continues to be a success from so many of our Dealers continued contribution to the.

September 2016 Bravo Award Recipients

October 5, 2016

We are pleased to announce our September 2016 Bravo Award recipients; Swingshift Lead Lexi Barka, Client Relations Lead Chelsea Noah. Both of these team members have demonstrated a.

TMS Announces New Backup Power Supply

September 21, 2016

Our new state of the art backup power supply has been installed as of today. We are proud to offer several different solutions to combat.

August 2016 Bravo Award Recipients

September 8, 2016

We are pleased to announce our August 2016 Bravo Award recipients; Dayshift Supervisor Kalei Fonoti, Dayshift Lead Andrea Castaneda, Dayshift Operator Eric McKinley, Dayshift Operator Nani Singh,.

SAAA 2016 Industry Trends Forum

August 2, 2016

Please come join the Sacramento Area Alarm Association For our Industry Trends Forum When: Tuesday August 16, 2016 This year’s Forum shall address Technology / Industry Trends Speakers.

Employee of the Quarter Award 2nd Quarter 2016

July 12, 2016

We are pleased to announce the Employee of the Quarter Award recipient for the Second Quarter of 2016. We would like to acknowledge Graveyard Lead Deidre.

June 2016 Bravo Award Recipients

July 5, 2016

We are pleased to announce June 2016 Bravo Award recipients; Dayshift Supervisor Kalei Fonoti, and Central Station Manager Darell Fazekas. Both of these team members have.

May 2016 Bravo Award Recipients

June 2, 2016

We are pleased to announce May 2016 Bravo Award recipients; Client Relations Lead Chelsea Noah, and Accounting Supervisor Tiffany Romero. Both of these team members have.

April 2016 Bravo Award Recipients

May 2, 2016

We are pleased to announce April 2016 Bravo Award recipients; Client Relations Supervisor Candice Fazekas, Client Relations Lead Chelsea Noah, Client Relations Specialist Amy Mendonca, Dayshift.